We need your vote! Also a note about the trail closure

May 06, 2024


Dear Beechtree Neighbors,

The window of opportunity to obtain the votes for the fenced-lot ballots is rapidly approaching. In order to prevent the need for a door-to-door collection, or increase in dues, we need to get to a vote from everyone.
On April 22nd you should have received an email with a ballot attachment from BEECARY@ciramail.com.

You may simply reply to the email and with your name, address, and your vote of YES or NO.

If you have not received the ballot you may request one from BEECARY@ciramail.com.

The current Covenants has conflicting language that has not allowed the dues that were necessary to finance these repairs to be collected for nearly 30 years, yet cites the HOA as responsible for maintenance.

The proposed amendment clarifies that these homeowners are responsible for their fence maintenance. If passed, it will eliminate the need to impose require substantial dues on the fenced-lot owners or other members of the Association and assist with keeping these properties safe and well- maintained. Please feel free to send me a personal message if you have any additional questions.

Also, there will be temporary closure of the walking trail and Beechtree staircase over the next 2 weeks. The trail resurfacing should begin May 8th-12th, weather permitting. The staircase repair will begin on May 16th and completion should be under one week, weather permitting. Please avoid use of the trail during this time for safety reasons and to avoid interference with the work in progress. Thank you for your understanding of this temporary inconvenience that will afford long-term benefits.
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Fenced Lot Vote

April 28, 2024

Important! Your action is needed.

Why we need you to return your ballot on the fenced lot vote: 

The HOA is voting to change the covenants regarding the fenced lots. A change to the covenants requires a 70% vote of the entire HOA membership. If we do not receive the required amount, we need to go door-to-door to collect the ballots. We would rather not bother you! You may simply take a photo of the filled in ballot with your phone and email it to beecary@ciramail.com 

Why we are voting to change the covenants: 

 The covenants as written state that the entire HOA is responsible for the maintenance of fences in the “fenced lots” which are mostly homes in Oak Hill Loop. The covenants state that the HOA will collect extra dues from those “fenced lot” homeowners in order to pay for the upkeep and replacement of those fences. However, for the past 30 years, the HOA has neglected to collect those dues. Now the fences need to be replaced and the HOA does not have money to pay for it. A meeting was held with the “fenced lot” homeowners, and the consensus was to change the covenants instead of trying to impose a special assessment of those homeowners. 

Why you should vote YES if you are NOT a “fenced lot” homeowner: 

Changing the covenants will avoid the possibility of you having to pay to replace fences on someone else’s property.  

Why you should vote YES if you ARE a “fenced lot” homeowner: 

Changing the covenants means that:

  • If you have already repaired, replaced, or removed your fence, you will not be forced to pay for the replacement of all the fences.
  • You will not have your dues increased well above the rest of the neighborhood.
  • You will not be required to pay a special assessment
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Community Update January 2023

February 03, 2023

Greetings Beechtree Neighbors,
I hope this message finds you and your family healthy and enjoying the new year!

On behalf of the Beechtree HOA Board of Directors, I would like to share some community updates for your review: (If you would like to review this update in an audio format, please click on the link that follows:


(Please note that the rain date mentioned is March 25th, not the 15th as stated in the audio.)

The following link provides an updated list of the current Board of Directors and Committees (the list is also available on the resident portal @ www.realmanage.com):


Assessments: are due on the 1st of January each year. Thanks to all who have kept your account current! Accounts will be considered delinquent after 30 days at which time a $20 late fee will be charged and an interest rate of 12% fee per annum. Late fees will begin after 30 days. Please contact Real Manage if you have questions concerning your assessment payment.

Streaming Project Update: Progress is being made despite the recent adverse weather conditions. Fluvial Solutions has lowered the dam and is using that material to fill in the existing pond footprint. Resource Environmental Solutions (RES) is scheduled to begin work on the upper section of the project before the end of January; weather permitting. The Board thanks everyone for your patience, and appreciates those who have been compliant with the trail closure terms until the project is completed.

New Lawn Company: The Association has a new landscaping company, US Lawns, effective January 1, 2023. A member of the company met with the BOD during the board’s initial meeting of the year. The company comes with good references and positive experiences reported by other HOAs. They will be available to pick up trail maintenance once the streaming project is complete. They are also willing to be a resource for the personal lawn care needs of HOA homeowners. Homeowners will need to make arrangements for any private lawn care needs directly with US Lawns. Their contact information is available through Real Manage @ BeeCary@ciramail.com.

Sidewalk Project Update: The Town of Cary is moving forward with advertising for construction now. A late Spring or early Summer start is anticipated for the project commencement.

Handbook update:

The BOD has reviewed the current Handbook and prepared recommended changes for community review. The document will be available on the resident portal and on the agenda for discussion at the community meeting scheduled for March. The goal is to clarify unclear policies and remove dated material to aid in the fair and consistent enforcement of policies. The updates will be approved and adopted once the community has been given the opportunity to review and make comments.


Board Meetings will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 7pm in April, July. If you would like to be included on the agenda, please notify Real Manage- c/o Akeem Jordan @ BeeCary@ciramail.com.

Annual Meeting: Fall 2023- TBD

Resource List:

If you have recently made home improvements such as painting, roof work, tree removal, lawncare, garage door replacement etc. and you would like to recommend your company/ individual to your fellow Beechtree neighbors, please forward the contact information to Beecary@ciramail.com to be added to a community resource list.

Update contact preferences:

In order to keep contact information current and have readily available in case of an emergency, we are asking all residents to create an account on the Real Manage resident portal. After which, you can also use the same login information to enroll in CiraMobile (on your mobile phone app, for easy, on-the-go access to community information and updates.) This information is for the sole use of the Association.

Community Meeting:

March 18th @ 1pm, with a rain date of March 25th is scheduled for a community meeting. This Saturday meeting will be held in the backyard of 225 Montibello Dr. This will allow an outdoor, socially-distanced gathering, and hopefully allow greater participation by those unable to attend weekday events. It will also allow a close-up view of the streaming project’s progress.

The meeting will include a discussion of the proposed Handbook changes, HOA election recommendations, Spring cleaning inspection overview, and block/street captain reports; while

providing an opportunity to meet with neighbors after a prolonged Covid/viral season that has required virtual meeting settings.

A poll will be taken concerning the annual meeting date, place, and time as well as other questions from the Handbook and common area maintenance. If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to receive the survey, please send your request to BeeCary@ciramail.com.

To determine the number of neighbors planning to attend, we are asking that you RSVP to BeeCary@ciramail.com by March 15th. Participants are asked to bring a lawn chair.

Neighborly Yours,

Angela Smith

Beechtree HOA President
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Why Does the Trail Need To be Closed?

November 02, 2022

The trail needs to be closed because there will be continuous construction during the stream restoration. 
The trail closure is required by the permitted plans with the Town of Cary.

It is unfortunate that the Black Greenway entrance on Cary Parkway is closed at the same time as the Beechtree trail is closed. There was no way that stream restoration could be rescheduled around that.
The project has been in planning for 4 years, and suffered numerous delays, and it needed to begin this fall as required by the grants and contractor scheduling.

Please see the memo below from Kris Bass Engineering. Link to the memo is here.

Anthony Corriveau
Beechtree HOA Stream Liaison

Beechtree Stream Corridor Restoration Construction Memo

This is a reminder that the walking path located adjacent to the project will be closed to pedestrian access for the duration of construction. There will be an orange safety fence put up at all pedestrian access locations and along the path perimeter. Construction tape will be used in other areas to indicate the boundaries of the construction area. Efforts will be made to keep the connection to the black creek greenway, from the cul-de-sac at the end of Montibello Drive, open as can be possible during construction. However, there will be times when this area will also need to be closed to pedestrian access to allow for construction activities. The times when this area will be opened to the public will be at the discretion of the contractor.

No one except for authorized construction personnel shall be allowed inside the construction area. There
will be heavy machinery, material stockpiles, equipment storage, and activity that will pose dangers to the
public. Please refrain from entering the construction area at any time and even when you do not observe

It is our goal to complete this project in an efficient and safe manner. As such, our contractors need to operate safely without interruption. If you have questions or concerns along the way, those should be
directed in writing to the Beechtree Community HOA Board. We will process these as quickly as
possible. Thank you for your patience throughout this process and we will continue to update the
community as the project progresses.


Kris Bass Engineering, PLLC
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BOD Fall Community Update 2022

October 28, 2022

 Dear Beechtree Neighbors,

On behalf of the Beechtree HOA Board of Directors, I would like to share with you some very important updates:

Beechtree Greenway is CLOSED

This is a reminder that our walking path and ponds are closed to ALL residents until the completion of the stream restoration,estimated to be April 2023. The construction crew has reported some residents have been inside the construction area this past week. No one except for authorized construction personnel shall be allowed inside the orange fenced area.

There will be heavy machinery, material stockpiles, equipment storage, and activity that will pose dangers to the public. Please refrain from entering the construction area at any time and even when you do not observe activity.

Streaming Project

We recently learned that incorrect information was inadvertently communicated during the recent walkthrough. It was the understanding of the Board that the pond wildlife would be relocated to the remaining small pond near the Rock Pointe entrance by Foster Pond Management. Unfortunately, the $7,200 expense to perform the relocation was not included in the contracted price. The Board of Directors determined that this cost was excessive, and chose to forego the relocation; given there was no guarantee that the fish would survive the move. In addition, the Board felt the community at large would prefer to use that money for future projects; such as trail repair. We know this is very disappointing to some and apologize for the miscommunication..

Sidewalk Project

The Town of Cary is extending the sidewalk across the bridge on NW Cary Pkwy that is between Hampton Lee Ct and Norwell Blvd. They are also modifying the entrance to the Black Creek Greenway. As part of this project, they will need a very small portion of HOA property

situated along NW Cary Pkwy. The land is basically a ditch along the road, and serves no significant purpose for the Association. The specific need includes a Permanent Utility Easement of 0.019 acres and a Temporary Construction Easement need for 0.113 acres, for a total of 0.132 acres. There are no impacts to landscaping. The Town of Cary has offered the Association $25,785.00 for the acquisition of the easements.The Board of Directors would like to proceed with finalizing this transaction and place acquired funds in our reserve accounts to fund upcoming projects.

Beechtree car break-ins

Recently, there have been an increased number of car break-ins noted in our community. We are encouraging all home owners to take extra precautions to secure their property,and file a police report if you experience this unfortunate situation. This data can be used to look at patterns of crime activity and support a need for greater surveillance efforts.

Block/Street Captains

If you are interested in being a block/street captain to help quickly disseminate information for situations requiring urgent responses, and serve to notify the Board of concerns in your particular area of Beechtree, please contact our management company(Real Manage) @  BEECARY@ciramail.com. However, updated emails and phone numbers where text messages can be received, are still a great way to connect quickly with Beechtree homeowners. Please contact the Real Manage to update your information and designate your preferred method of contact.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for January 11, 2023 at 6:00PM. You may contact Real Manage if you would like to be included on the agenda for that meeting.

Neighborly yours,

Angela B. Smith

Beechtree HOA President

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Car break-ins on Montibello Drive

October 20, 2022

I am saddened to report that 2 homes have been the target of car break-ins this week. Both incidents occurred on Montibello Drive. A vehicle on the street and one in the driveway of one homeowner was ransacked and papers scattered from the glove compartment. Fortunately, no valuables were taken.The other home experienced a break-in to a vehicle parked in the garage. The homeowner’s purse with all belongings were taken, including car keys. There was an attempt to remove the car from garage but fortunately it failed. A police report has been filed. Please review security device footage from this past Tuesday and Wednesday night, especially at upper and mid-Montibello Dr. If anyone notes suspicious activity,please contact the Cary police.

I would also encourage fellow neighbors to take extra precautions in securing your belongings and keeping garage doors closed when not in use.
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Stream Restoration Timeline

September 19, 2022

Below is the project timeline that we received from the contractors.

Projected Project Timeline:

September 2022

  • Contractors begin mobilizing to site[complete]
  • Erosion control fencing installed[complete]
  • Water level lowering begins[started]

October 2022

  • Tree removal [complete]
  • Pond removal & stream restoration construction begins

November 2022

  • Pond removal & stream restoration construction continues

December 2022

  • Pond removal & stream restoration construction complete
  • Planting of pond removal area
  • Upstream stream restoration construction begins

January 2023

  • Pond removal & stream restoration construction complete
  • Planting of pond removal area
  • Upstream stream restoration construction complete

February 2023

  • Downstream stream restoration construction begins

March 2023

  • Downstream stream restoration construction complete
  • Planting of Upstream & Downstream restoration areas complete

April 2023

  • Estimated project completion date
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